Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Thanks to the peeps at Frankie mag for a very sweet little mention in the latest issue!


Poppy Letterpress said...

I just saw this. Picked up a copy an hour ago, flicked through and thought, "Hey, I know who did this!". Awesome little mention :)

Naomi Murrell said...

Thanks Lou!

Style Guide Magazine said...

Your blog is lovely Naomi - it's so comforting to know there are passionate, creative people in Adelaide. I know this may be a really stupid question in relation to your post, but can you tell me where you got the white table that the Frankie is sitting on? I have been searching for similar for ages and can't find anything remotely nice in Adelaide.

Naomi Murrell said...

Hey there I think we found the table online - iInow how you feel, shopping for unique furniture in Ads can be quite disheartening... happy hunting!